Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Grey's Anatomy Spoiler: Ausiello's Scoop on Episode 9 (Run, Baby, Run)...Calzona Included!

Michael Ausiello, over at TVLine.com, gave Grey's Anatomy fans some scoop on the upcoming episode (ep. 9: Run, Baby, Run) in regards to Calzona (Callie and Arizona).

Read below to read the somewhat spoilerish news or leave this page now if you don't want to know anything!

Question: Got any scoop on Grey’s Anatomy, preferably something to do with Callie and Arizona? —NG
Ausiello: I almost forgot! Callie brings Arizona’s 2012 Pity Party World Tour to an abrupt end on Thursday, in the episode’s most rousing moment. You’ll applaud, you’ll laugh, you’ll want to hand Sara Ramirez an Emmy yourself.
After reading this news, I don't have a clue as to what Callie does to bring Arizona out of her "pity party", but I can't wait to find out! I do know that Shonda Rhimes wrote on her WhoSay that there are some "adorable and sweet" moments between the couple during the episode which will lead to "something good." Again, I can't wait!

Reading news like this just makes me even more excited for episode 10, which will most likely air after the long winter hiatus, for the Calzona moment that Shonda has said is her favorite of the season...so far.

Ausiello also had some news concerning the rest of the crew.
Question: Big Grey’s Anatomy fan. Tell me you have something good about Meredith and Derek. —Tia
Ausiello: First off, let me tell you something good about Grey’s Anatomy in general — I’ve seen Thursday’s episode and it’s really, really terrific. Best of the season by far. Some highlights: On the eve of her wedding, Bailey’s an emotional basket case — equal parts Tasmanian Devil and Bridezilla; Owen and Cristina face a turning point in their relationship, triggered in part by the arrival of their divorce papers; April and Jackson go to great (read: hilarious) lengths to avoid attending Bailey’s nuptials together; Neve Campbell continues to prove that she was perfectly cast as Derek’s sis; and getting back to your question, Derek and Meredith share one of my favorite scenes together ever — a wholly uneventful husband-and-wifey exchange at the hospital that will make you swoon.
From the sounds of it, this should be a good episode and I look forward to watching it this Thursday night.

Source: TVLine.com

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