Friday, May 31, 2013 to Their Readers: 'What Happens Next: Has a 'Grey's Anatomy' Marriage Flatlined? Is it Lights Out for Richard?''s Matt Webb Mitovich asked their readers and fans of Grey's Anatomy two questions about what they think will happen with Calzona (Callie and Arizona) and Richard in season 10.

In regards to Richard, anyone who has seen the season 9 finale knows that it ended with Richard lying on the floor after being electrocuted while trying to get the hospital's power supply back up and running.

TV Line gave two options to choose from:

R.I.P., Dr. Webber :(
Bailey found Richard in time to resuscitate him, but he's now a bit... 'different'

James Pickens Jr. who plays Dr. Richard Webber did sign a contract for seasons 9 and 10, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he'll be back. Plus, no one is safe in Shondaland and any fan of the show knows that. Basically, anything can happen.

Honestly, I'm at a loss when trying to guess if Richard will survive or die. I can make a case for both scenarios. Saying that, I'm going to make a guess... I'm going to say that Richard survives.

When it comes to the future of Callie and Arizona, TV Line offers five options and in my opinion, none of the options are anything I'd like to see happen:

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Teaser Trailer for 'Machete Kills'

Machete Kills will find Machete (Danny Trejo) being recruited by the United States Government in order to stop an arms dealer from launching a weapon into space.
Starring in the flick with Trejo is an all-star cast including Amber Heard, Michelle Rodriguez, Jessica Alba, Mel Gibson, Sofia Vergara, Charlie Sheen and Lady Gaga.

Machete Kills will slice its way into theaters on September 13!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

TV Guide's Natalie Abrams: What We Want to See on 'Grey's Anatomy' Next Season

Warning: Spoilers from the season 9 of Grey's Anatomy will be mentioned here, so once again, if you haven't watched the last few episodes of season 9 and don't want to be spoiled...stop reading now and close this page.

Last chance, if you continue, you run the risk of reading spoilers...


Over at, Natalie Abrams has written a piece titled What We Want to See on 'Grey's Anatomy' Next Season. Obviously, the article is about what she and others at would like to see take place during season 10 of Grey's Anatomy.

The list revolves around the couples of the show except for Richard who is solo until the very last sentence of their wish list.

Since I'm a Calzona shipper, I had to read what they wanted to see happen with the couple first.
Callie and Arizona (Sara Ramirez and Jessica Capshaw): Sure, we expect the duo to work past Arizona's infidelity eventually, but we'd actually be curious to see Lauren (Hilarie Burton) stick around for a while and try to fight for Arizona. Should Calzona test the waters of being apart, Arizona will eventually come to realize that Callie is, and always has been, her true love. But will she be too late? Since Callie has now been cheated on twice, we'd love to see the normally strong doc falter and go to therapy — just not couples' therapy since that didn't work out for Cristina and Owen.
The first sentence really got to me. They are "curious" to see Lauren stay and fight for Arizona for a bit? Really? In my opinion, while I believe she [Lauren] could show up in season 10 since Hilarie Burton's pilot The List didn't get picked up by Fox, her character served her purpose in the final episodes of season 9. The only reason she would need to appear in one, maybe two episodes of season 10 is for Arizona to tell her once and for all that they are over and she needs to leave.

Abrams then mentions how they'd like to see Callie in therapy. I can agree with this, but I have an issue that there was no mention of Arizona needing therapy because, let's face it, she does. She needs to go to therapy alone first in order to deal with her PTSD and the resentment she has towards Callie and her decision to amputate. After that, both need to get some couple's therapy because while it may not have worked for Cristina and Owen, that doesn't mean it can't work for Callie and Arizona.


Saturday, May 25, 2013

Grey's Anatomy: My Thoughts/Predictions on Calzona in Season 10

Warning: As usual, before I get into my Calzona predictions for season 10 of Grey's Anatomy, I'm going to warn anyone who has yet to see the season 9 finale and don't want to be spoiled to stop reading now because you WILL be spoiled.

You have been WARNED!

Will Callie and Arizona stay/get back together?

Will Dr. Lauren Boswell return?

I know that these two questions are what many Calzona fans are asking themselves about season 10. I know because I'm a fan of Calzona and I've been thinking about those two questions since the season 9 finale. While no spoilers for season 10 have been released and none will be released for a few months, but I'm going to speculate on what I think will happen in season 10 regarding the two questions I've posted here.

Let's get on with it:

Will Callie and Arizona stay/get back together?

I use "stay/get back together" because the season 9 finale gave us no indication about whether or not they're going to separate. Unfortunately, we have to wait until September to find out the answer, but it doesn't have to stop me from taking a guess on what I think could possibly happen come September.

I think that in the season premiere of season 10, we will find out that Callie and Arizona have separated. They no longer live together (Callie keeps apartment and Arizona is staying at Mark's old apartment across the hall), but co-parent Sophia because while Callie is understandably mad at Arizona, she knows that Arizona is Sophia's mom and won't (I hope!) keep her from their child. Arizona is getting help she needs to deal with her PTSD and resentment towards Callie about making the decision to cut off her leg in order to save her life. They then seek counseling as a couple in hopes of getting past the cheating thing and fall in love once again.

Maybe my prediction is the best case scenario and that's because while I believe that nothing justifies Arizona cheating, I want to believe that Calzona are endgame/MFEO. Of course, if they are to get back together, it's going to depend on several things and one of them is the next question I'm going to tackle below...

Will Dr. Lauren Boswell return?

At first, I thought that Lauren would not return in season 10 because she did exactly what she was supposed to do in the final few episodes of season 9, sleep with Arizona and drive a wedge between the couple. However, when I read that Hilarie Burton's (the actress that plays Lauren) pilot The List was not picked up by Fox, I started to think that she could be brought back by Shonda seeing as her schedule has opened up. The more I think about it, the more I believe she will appear in next season because it's something that Shonda would do. My fingers are crossed that it doesn't happen.

As the months go by, I'm sure my predictions will change as the spoilers/speculations (especially about whether or not Burton will be returning as Lauren) begin to roll in, so you can expect more posts down the road about what Shonda has up her sleeves in regards to Calzona. Until then, I'll try to think good thoughts about Calzona and watch old episodes of Grey's Anatomy and I'm sure I won't be the only one doing that.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Grey's Anatomy: Calzona and the Season 9 Finale Pt. 1

WARNING: This post will contain spoilers from the season 9 finale of Grey's Anatomy in regards to Calzona (Callie and Arizona). If you have not seen the season finale and you don't want to be spoiled in any way, then stop reading now.

Last not continue reading because you will be spoiled.

I don't know about you other Calzona fans out there, but I'm still recovering from last night's season 9 finale of Grey's Anatomy.
First, it's clear that Arizona and Lauren did go further than just a kiss since it showed Lauren in bed under covers and Arizona getting dressed.
Second, Callie figured out that Arizona had cheated (I really thought that Arizona was going to confess). How did she figure it out? She noticed that Arizona's wedding ring was pinned to the scrub top that Lauren was wearing. Apparently, in the aftermath of the two sleeping together, they got their scrub tops mixed up! Before Callie came upon them and figured out what had happened, it appeared to me that Arizona was regretting what she did and was trying to tell Lauren which is when Lauren said that she likes her "a lot."
Third, we found during the confrontation between the two that Arizona still blames Callie for the loss of her leg and has a lot of anger. Clearly, she has issues that she needs to work on, by herself and as a couple with Callie if they want to stay together.
She tells Callie that she doesn't understand what it was like in those woods hearing Meredith cry, Mark dying and her screaming. She continued saying that she trusted Callie more than anyone and Callie broke that trust when she let them cut off her leg despite her promise that she wouldn't. Callie fired back that she made the decision in order to save her life, but Arizona was having none of that and yelled that she [Callie] didn't lose anything, but she did [her leg]. Callie looks at Arizona and delivers the most heartbreaking line of their scene... "Apparently I lost you." The camera pans out to show them just looking at one another, so it's not clear what is to become of them.
Sara Ramirez and Jessica Capshaw, once again, hit it out of the ballpark with their acting and I've added a clip from YouTube below because the above explanation doesn't do the scene justice, so just watch it for yourself.
The big question is can Callie and Arizona work through their problems or is this something they just can't come back from? I sure like to think so because I'm a huge Calzona shipper and believe they are endgame/MFEO. It really comes down to whether Shonda (who once tweeted that they were MFEO) wants to them to be together or separate for good.
Thanks to the Callie-Arizona LiveJournal Website, I just read about an interview that Shonda Rhimes did with Entertainment Weekly after the season finale aired. After reading the interview, it gives me hope that perhaps Calzona will be okay in the long run.
"I wanted to give them a rift and a real problem that wasn’t just about something small. I wanted it to be complex and three-dimensional and I loved having this thing at the beginning of the season — Callie made a decision that saved Arizona’s life — and you get to the end of the season and clearly Arizona has been blaming her for this entire time. Really, that’s what sort of sparked all this behavior."

"As far as I’m concerned, obviously, Arizona hasn’t gotten over the trauma of what’s happened to her [and] not just because she’s blaming Callie. That’s sort of the symptom of the problem. But Arizona lost a leg, she went through a terrible plane crash, and was lost in the woods. While we watched her be angry for a while, you know Meredith and Christina have been through more PTSD than anyone in the world and we’ve watched them learn how to deal with it — I don’t think Arizona has learned how to deal with it." 
The above two paragraphs give me some hope because Shonda doesn't mention anything about a break up for the couple, but a rift/real problem that they will have to see if they can and want to resolve. Arizona obviously needs to work on herself first, so I do see them separated for a while until and if they decide to work on their relationship because they still love each other and want to work things out. Because of that, Shonda wasn't joking when she confirmed that the couple will have an intense storyline next season.

I think that's enough babbling for now! In a future post, I'm sure I'll write more about Calzona and the season finale because I'm sure more things will come to my mind which is why "Pt. 1" in the title of this post. I'll also write about what I think we'll see in season 10 between the couple and if I think we'll see Lauren again. Stay tuned!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Grey's Anatomy: My Thoughts/Speculation on Calzona and the Season 9 Finale

WARNING: While I will be speculating on Calzona, this post will also contain spoilers from the last episode for anyone who hasn't seen it yet and possible spoilers that I've read. If you don't want to spoiled, I'm telling you right now, stop reading...

Last chance. Stop reading now or you will be spoiled!

Calzona in happier times... *sigh*

With Grey's Anatomy being renewed for a tenth season (Did anyone expect it not to be renewed? I mean, really?!), we can expect an intense storyline for Callie and Arizona (Calzona) according to Shonda Rhimes.

Back on May 3rd, she tweeted "yes" in response to a question that asked if there will be an intense storyline for the couple based on what has been written/said about what could happen in the season 9 finale.

Why would Grey's Anatomy fans be asking about the possibility of Calzona having an intense storyline? Well, for anyone who hasn't been following the spoilers or haven't watched the latest episode (9x23), Arizona and Dr. Lauren Boswell kiss in the on call room at the end of the episode and it appears they go further because the scene ended with Arizona locking the door and the removing of lab coats.

Why would Arizona cheat on Callie after everything they have been through? There was Arizona leaving for Africa, Callie having Mark's baby, the car accident, the plane accident and the subsequent amputation of Arizona's leg. Another question is why would Arizona cheat after telling Callie to not run, she can't lose Callie, don't leave, etc.? It makes absolutely no sense and is totally out of character for Arizona (the good man in a storm) to cheat and I'm sure that's exactly why the writer's decided to go that route. Still, it makes no sense.

Shonda talked to The Hollywood Reporter about Arizona and the possibility (we all now know she did cheat) of her cheating on Callie.
THR: Arizona is enjoying the attention and flirting Lauren (Hilarie Burton) is showing her. How far will she allow this flirtation to go?
Rhimes: It's going to go very, very far. I feel fairly committed that it marginalizes Callie (Sara Ramirez) and Arizona to say that they're the lesbian couple and happy and they can only be with one another as the happy couple that sits in the corner. It neutralizes them. They've been on this very interesting, complex journey this season and that journey is not finished. I've done lot of reading on PTSD and grief and these people have been through a hell of a lot this season and we've watched them struggle to right themselves fairly quickly -- perhaps too quickly. There's stuff there that has not been dealt with. We're taking them through it, which I think is great, and Lauren is definitely possibly a part of that.
I get that Arizona is still in grief from the accident and losing her leg and it's going to take a long time to get back to how she used to be, but they could have done something different instead of having her cheat on her wife. One possibility, Arizona abusing painkillers. Yes, I know that's been done before, but the same can be said about cheating.

For Shonda to say that "they're the happy lesbian couple" sitting in the corner has me wondering what the heck is she talking about? Did she not watch this season? Season 7? Season 6? They did have their moments of happiness as every couple on the show has, but they were never sitting in the corner being the happy lesbian couple because they had their issues just like every couple on the show.

More from her interview with THR:

THR: What's the goal of this story -- Arizona finally allowing herself to believe she's whole? How will this affect her marriage to Callie?

Rhimes: The goal of the story becomes really clear in the last moments of the finale: you really begin to understand in their last scene. From our table read, that was the most stunning moment of the table read -- the entire cast gasped and fell silent. You begin to really understand what's going on here. It's complex and it's big for them and you're seeing something huge. I'm not going to tell you what the goal of the story is, the point is when you discover what the goal of the story is, you get it.
I really hope that the last moments of the finale makes sense and that I'll understand the goal of the story because as of right now, I don't get it because it makes no sense.

As for the gasp moment that apparently stunned the cast into silence, I'm having all of these ideas running through my mind, but I have absolutely no clue about what it could be. Does Callie reveal that she cheated on Arizona? Does Callie tell Arizona to pack her things and get out of the apartment? Do they decide together that the best thing right now is to separate and see if they can work on their relationship? Does Callie slap Arizona? The guesses can go on and on because there are just so many possibilities, but the one that I keep going back to is Callie and/or Arizona asking for a separation/divorce.

Remember back to the beginning of this post when I wrote that Shonda said "yes" to a pretty intense storyline for the couple? Well, despite me being a fan of Calzona and wanting them to work things out because I do want to believe they are endgame/MFEO, there is a part of me that doesn't think they can come back from something like this. Yes, Shonda said that their storyline will be intense, but that doesn't necessarily mean they'll end up together.

So, after all that, I'm going to get into my actual speculations about the season finale. After the season finale airs on May 16th, I'll write another post about my thoughts on what could be ahead for the couple in season 10.

Season 9 finale speculation: Arizona is wracked with guilt, so she confesses her infidelity to Callie. Naturally, Callie is crushed and this is when we see the gasp moment which I believe will be a separation request either by Callie or Arizona or maybe both decide together that it's what needed right now. The scene ends with them sharing a passionate(?) kiss and/or hug before going their separate ways.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Grey's Anatomy: Calzona IS in Trouble...My Thoughts

Warning: This post will contain spoilers and my speculation, so if you don't want to hear about what Shonda Rhimes (creater of Grey's Anatomy) has to say about Callie and Arizona, then I'm warning you now to not continue reading and just wait for the episode to air. Everyone else, continue...

Ok Calzona fans, after reading an interview Shonda Rhimes did with The Hollywood Reporter, it's tough to be positive anymore about Calzona in the season 9 finale because I do believe that they are in trouble.
THR: Arizona is enjoying the attention and flirting Lauren (Hilarie Burton) is showing her. How far will she allow this flirtation to go?
Rhimes: It's going to go very, very far. I feel fairly committed that it marginalizes Callie (Sara Ramirez) and Arizona to say that they're the lesbian couple and happy and they can only be with one another as the happy couple that sits in the corner. It neutralizes them. They've been on this very interesting, complex journey this season and that journey is not finished. I've done lot of reading on PTSD and grief and these people have been through a hell of a lot this season and we've watched them struggle to right themselves fairly quickly -- perhaps too quickly. There's stuff there that has not been dealt with. We're taking them through it, which I think is great, and Lauren is definitely possibly a part of that.
According to Shonda, the flirtation will go "very, very far." Just how far is "very, very far?" To me, there can be two possibilities. 1) They sleep together. 2) They kiss, but Arizona stops it before it goes any further. While I prefer neither of the two options to happen, but since something is going to happen, I'd rather it be the latter.

THR: What's the goal of this story -- Arizona finally allowing herself to believe she's whole? How will this affect her marriage to Callie?
Rhimes: The goal of the story becomes really clear in the last moments of the finale: you really begin to understand in their last scene. From our table read, that was the most stunning moment of the table read -- the entire cast gasped and fell silent. You begin to really understand what's going on here. It's complex and it's big for them and you're seeing something huge. I'm not going to tell you what the goal of the story is, the point is when you discover what the goal of the story is, you get it.
With her saying that the cast "gasped and fell silent" has me thinking that there will be a separation/divorce request, most likely initiated by Arizona so she can become the person she was before the accident/amputation not just for her, but for Callie and Sophia as well. Why do I think that? Shonda replied to a fan on Twitter:
Fan: I'm excited!!! So this means a pretty intense calzona storyline for season 10???Shonda: Yes.
At this point, nothing sounds more intense for the couple then the possibility of them breaking up for good and/or trying to work on their relationship after possible cheating (I do believe that Callie will find out whether she catches them or Arizona tells her because she's wracked with guilt) and dealing with a separation/divorce. Will they work through their issues? I would say yes because I remember Shonda saying that Callie and Arizona were MFEO (meant for each other), but all we can do now is wait and see.

More evidence of possible trouble for Calzona...over at SpoilerTV, they have some promo pics for the season finale (episode 9x24, Perfect Storm). Callie is in two pics and in the pics, see is clearly wearing her wedding ring and it appears that she's wearing her necklace in the other, but in the pic that features Arizona, you can clearly tell that she is NOT wearing her wedding ring. Now, this could easily be just a prop error as Jessica Capshaw wore her real life wedding ring in an episode (back in season 8 I believe) or maybe she was/will be in surgery and had to take it off. However, it could also mean the worse and Arizona willing took it off knowing that she was going to ask Callie for a separation. In this instance, I'm going to assume a prop error despite the fact that I'm expecting a separation for the couple.

Well, that's it for now, but there will be more posts in the very near, especially after the season 9 finale that will air on May 16th.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Grey's Anatomy Season 9 Finale Spoilers: Shonda Talks Calzona...

Warning: As I always do before talking about possible upcoming spoilers for Grey's Anatomy, I'm going to warn anyone that doesn't want to be possibly spoiled about Calzona and the season 9 finale, then do not continue reading. For everyone else, continue...

After what I just read over at, I'm definitely nervous about what Shonda Rhimes has in store for Calzona!

"We're equal opportunity over here at Grey’s Anatomy. Straight people have their cheating moments all of the time. We’ve created this relationship that’s very interesting and complex, and I feel like we're at a moment where this [temptation] feels earned. We're doing something that feels very in keeping with what’s right for these characters."
"There was a [Calzona] scene that was such a breathtaking moment that it stunned everyone into silence. It's the culmination of a [season-long] journey for these two characters."
I know I've mentioned it before, but Shonda did say on Twitter that she will be good to Callie and Arizona after she had announced on March 27th that everything regarding the season 9 finale had been changed. Despite that, I'm still nervous because Shonda could've just been saying that in order to get us [Calzona fans] to let our guard down. I hope that's not the case and I'll provide a couple examples below that will hopefully make us all feel better about Calzona and the season finale.

The Calzona scene that apparently "stunned" the cast into a moment of silence at the table read for the season 9 finale. The scene in question didn't have to be something really bad (cheating?) in order to stun the cast. In fact, it could've been something really good such as another baby or something else that wasn't expected. *fingers crossed that it's something good*

There is the possibility that I and others are simply reading too much into the idea of Arizona cheating which is exactly what Shonda and the others at Grey's Anatomy want. Yes, temptation could be there, but no actual cheating. There are some clues from Shonda's words...Regarding the scene that "stunned" the cast members, "It's the culmination of a [season-long] journey for these two characters." Why would their journey this season with everything they've been through end with one of them cheating on the other? It makes no sense which is why Shonda could just be working all us Calzona fans into a frenzy and we're falling for it.

That's me trying to be positive about Calzona and the season 9 finale. If the worse (cheating) does happen, then you can expect a post about it and it won't be pretty.
