Friday, May 3, 2013

Grey's Anatomy Season 9 Finale Spoilers: Shonda Talks Calzona...

Warning: As I always do before talking about possible upcoming spoilers for Grey's Anatomy, I'm going to warn anyone that doesn't want to be possibly spoiled about Calzona and the season 9 finale, then do not continue reading. For everyone else, continue...

After what I just read over at, I'm definitely nervous about what Shonda Rhimes has in store for Calzona!

"We're equal opportunity over here at Grey’s Anatomy. Straight people have their cheating moments all of the time. We’ve created this relationship that’s very interesting and complex, and I feel like we're at a moment where this [temptation] feels earned. We're doing something that feels very in keeping with what’s right for these characters."
"There was a [Calzona] scene that was such a breathtaking moment that it stunned everyone into silence. It's the culmination of a [season-long] journey for these two characters."
I know I've mentioned it before, but Shonda did say on Twitter that she will be good to Callie and Arizona after she had announced on March 27th that everything regarding the season 9 finale had been changed. Despite that, I'm still nervous because Shonda could've just been saying that in order to get us [Calzona fans] to let our guard down. I hope that's not the case and I'll provide a couple examples below that will hopefully make us all feel better about Calzona and the season finale.

The Calzona scene that apparently "stunned" the cast into a moment of silence at the table read for the season 9 finale. The scene in question didn't have to be something really bad (cheating?) in order to stun the cast. In fact, it could've been something really good such as another baby or something else that wasn't expected. *fingers crossed that it's something good*

There is the possibility that I and others are simply reading too much into the idea of Arizona cheating which is exactly what Shonda and the others at Grey's Anatomy want. Yes, temptation could be there, but no actual cheating. There are some clues from Shonda's words...Regarding the scene that "stunned" the cast members, "It's the culmination of a [season-long] journey for these two characters." Why would their journey this season with everything they've been through end with one of them cheating on the other? It makes no sense which is why Shonda could just be working all us Calzona fans into a frenzy and we're falling for it.

That's me trying to be positive about Calzona and the season 9 finale. If the worse (cheating) does happen, then you can expect a post about it and it won't be pretty.


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