On Wednesday, The Hollywood Reporter went to the set of ABC's hit show Grey's Anatomy. While there, they talked to Sara Ramirez (Dr. Callie Torres) about Callie and Arizona's relationship and what the future holds for the couple.
Here are some highlights:
"After she comes back to the hospital, you'll definitely see outside of the hospital that they try taking baby steps toward what they remember having," Ramirez teases, noting that Alex's role in Arizona's amputation is always in the back of Callie's mind. "They have to deal with the fact that it's not as easy as they'd hoped. It was getting rough there for a while but Callie continues to show up and to try as best as she knows how because she loves her wife."
"The tragedy makes the lighter, funnier, intimate moments so meaningful and so much more powerful because the audience is so hungry for it when it finally comes," she says of "Calzona's" story line."
"That opportunity could arise at Bailey's (Chandra Wilson) wedding when Callie and Arizona discover some new things with each other. "We have some fun, light moments to look forward to," she says with a smile. "Maybe some rekindling."To that, I say finally! Although, for anyone who saw last night's episode, I Was Made For Lovin' You, it appears that the couple are on their way to getting back to where they were before the plane crash. I look forward to more of those moments, especially episode 10 because that's the episode that will feature Shonda's favorite Calzona scene of season 9.
Source: THR
Photo via Grey's Gabble