Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Grey's Anatomy Season 9 Spoiler: Will Death Be Paying Another Visit to Seattle Grace?!

Michael Ausiello, over at, just posted a huge spoiler for an upcoming episode of Grey's Anatomy. on at your own risk!

Last warning! If you continue reading, you will be spoiled and you'll have no one to blame but yourself!

Okay, let's get on with it:

A Grey's fan wrote saying that she needed a spoiler and Michael Ausiello sure delivered because according to him, another character will die "in early 2013"!
Question: I am in need of a Grey’s Anatomy spoiler, please! —Tia
Ausiello: The Grim Reaper will be paying another visit in early 2013. His rumored target: A longtime (and very much beloved) character.
Now, Ausiello never says it's a main character, so I'm thinking Adele Webber (Loretta Devine) will be the one to die. If you remember, Adele was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and her health seemed to be deteriorating quickly. I refuse to believe it'll be anyone else.

It should also be noted that Ausiello uses the word "rumored" and until the rumor is confirmed, it could be just a rumor and turn out to not be true at all. Saying that, I've found Ausiello to be very reliable, so until proven wrong, I'm going to trust him on this one.


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