Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Shonda Rhimes Tweets About Season 9 of Grey's Anatomy

Earlier today, Shonda Rhimes responded to a question on Twitter from a fan who wanted to know "the vibe" for season 9 of Grey's Anatomy.

Her reply to the fan was:

In the room, I'm calling GA season 9, "The Season of Romance."

A "season of romance" would make sense considering several of the doctors were involved in a plane crash which claimed, for now, one life (Lexie Grey) and such an event would make anyone realize just how much their loved ones mean to them and they'll want to express that. I see this happening for Cristina/Owen, Derek/Meredith and Callie/Arizona (if Arizona survives). Almost losing the person you love will make them want to treasure each moment and even rekindle strained relationships (Cristina/Owen).

The only person I don't see having much romance in season 9 would be Mark if he is to survive the injuries he suffered in the crash. While he wasn't with Lexie at the time, he was in love with her, so if he survives, it's going to be tough road ahead for him. The same can be said about Callie if Arizona dies and I hope that doesn't happen because I want to see more Calzona romance!

Romance won't just happen for the couples affected by the plane crash. Don't forget about Bailey and Ben. They got engaged at the end of season 8 and I see them getting married at some point, but I don't necessarily think it'll happen in season 9.

Then there's Jackson and April. They got together at the end of season 8 with April having regrets mainly due to her religious beliefs. Will they become a couple or just remain friends. Personally, I'm kind of hoping that they get together as a couple. I think they would be cute together, but I wouldn't be upset if they decided to just stay friends.

Source: Grey's Gabble

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