***Spoiler Talk Below... Read on at Your Own Risk!***
To all Calzona fans out there, I think you'll want to sit down and take a deep breath before you read on about how Leah is "really smitten" with Arizona...
Tessa Ferrer (Dr. Leah Murphy) spoke with The Hollywood Reporter about the possibility of her character being a love interest for Dr. Robbins. I'm going to feature just a few of the questions/answers, but if you want to read the rest of the interview from The Hollywood Reporter (trust me, you do!), click HERE!
What was your reaction when you read that Leah may be a love interest for Arizona?
I was really excited for a number of reasons because Leah loves to fall in love, so I knew it would be juicy because that's who her character has been established as: She's an easy faller. And I love Jessica. The fans love "Calzona" so much that I was excited to stir it up. (Laughs.)
Does Leah want the romantic relationship with Arizona or is it just about someone -- anyone -- paying attention to her?
I think Leah is open to anything that comes her way, so yes, she's open to a romantic relationship but we'll have to see if Arizona is with Leah.
How will Arizona respond to all this attention from Leah?
I don't know how Arizona is going to respond because she knows it seems like it's over, but I don't think Arizona is super clear on her feelings about the end of Callie and Arizona. Arizona feels like she needs more from the relationship if it were to ever work out but Arizona is in a place where she might be ready to move on -- and Leah is very, very open, but I don't know how Arizona is going to respond.
All of these questions tie together in a way, so I'll talk about them all at once. From Ferrer's interview and a recently released sneak peek from episode 10x06, I'm almost 100% positive that the two sleep together or at the very least, messed around and based from the sneak peek, Leah wants their "relationship" to develop while Arizona only sees it as a one-night stand (mainly because she still has feelings for Callie and I'm sure her drinking impaired her judgment).
Will Callie find out? If so, how? Does Arizona confess or does she hear gossip from the other interns (or Alex?)? I'm guessing she hears some gossip from the other interns and while she basically told Arizona that they are over in 10x05, she'll still be hurt and jealous because whether she wants to admit it or not, she still loves Arizona and vice versa. Will Callie confront Arizona or will she pretend to not care? I wish I knew, but I'm going to guess that she'll keep it to herself and pretend to not care which may not be the best thing to do... she'll need to talk to someone, so maybe she talks to Meredith and/or Cristina.
This now leads me to a tweet I read from Tony Phelan several days ago. I can't remember his exact words, but it was something about the writers working on cliffhangers for episode 10x12. Something tells me that one of the cliffhangers will have to do with Calzona and perhaps with Arizona having to choose between Callie and Leah. If I'm wrong and there always is that chance, there will definitely be some kind of cliffhanger involving Callie and Arizona. This could be a cliffhanger that will decide whether or they are endgame/MFEO, but we won't know that answer until the second half of the season returns in February (I believe). Keep your fingers crossed, Calzona fans!