Thursday, April 25, 2013

Grey's Anatomy 9x22 Promo: Calzona in Trouble?!

Warning: If you haven't seen the promo yet and want to wait until you do so, then do not keep reading. For anyone who wants to know before the promo airs, let's get on with it...

I just watched the promo for the next episode of Grey's Anatomy and all I have to say is: What the f***?! By that, I mean, will Arizona cheat on Callie?! the promo, Arizona is in the elevator with anther woman and the woman says that she [Arizona] has "really pretty eyes" to which she smiles. Right after that, the screen flashes the word "unfaithful" with Arizona then saying "you're amazing." Right before she says that, the woman is shown, but promos can be deceiving and she may not even be saying to this mystery woman. Then, the promo shows Callie opening the door to see Arizona in the room and Callie gasps. Again, it could be and I hope it is a deceiving edit. Watch the promo below!

Now, I remember back on March 27th, Shonda took to Twitter to announce to fans of the show to forget everything they may have heard about the season 9 finale because everything was changed. After that announcement, she responded to some fans' questions and one was about Calzona.
Fan: "You are the scariest writer out there lol. Who knows what Shonda has in the making!!! I love it Please be good to Calzona. :D"

Shonda: "I will be good to Callie. And I will be good to Arizona."
Did Shonda lie in her tweet? While I don't think she did and she will, in fact, be good to both Callie and Arizona, I'm a little nervous that with Shonda, anything can happen. However, here is Shonda on Twitter less than an hour ago...
Oh, boy...I'm even more nervous now!

Photo via Calzona Facebook Page

Saturday, April 13, 2013

New Cooking Competition Show: 'Knife Fight'

On April 22nd, the G4 network will be no more and the new Esquire network will take over. While watching promos for the upcoming shows that will be featured on the network, one really stood out as something that I'll be interested in, a cooking show titled Knife Fight.

About the show from the show's official website:
"This isn't a made-for-TV competition. For years, this secret underground happening has taken place after restaurants close their doors to the public. Led by ringleader and celebrated chef Ilan Hall, this is where talented cooks go to prove who's the best. Feel the heat as they're cheered and heckled by a rowdy crowd of celebrities, restaurant critics, and die-hard foodies. This is not a white-napkin dinner. This is war."

Below is a promo:
If you're interested in checking it out, it's starts on April 23rd at 9/8c on the new Esquire network.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

'Point Break' Remake Gets Director, Will Begin Shooting Later This Year

Deadline is reporting that Alcon Entertainment has brought Ericson Core (directed Invincible and is a cinematographer) on board to direct the remake of the 1991 action flick Point Break.

For anyone who doesn't know about Point Break, it starred Patrick Swayze and Keanu Reeves. Reeves played an FBI agent who infiltrates a gang of bank robbing surfers with Swayze as the leader of the gang. The remake will be set in the world of international extreme sports where an FBI agent infiltrates a crime ring.

Shooting is set to begin towards the end of the year.

Check out the trailer for Point Break (1991) below:

Source: Deadline

Monday, April 8, 2013

RIP Richard Brooker (Jason from Friday the 13th Part 3)

Sad news for fans of Friday the 13th film series and horror fans in's being reported (HERE and HERE) that Richard Brooker, who played Jason Voorhees in Friday the 13th Part 3, passed away today. He was 58.

The 1982 horror flick is the one where Jason first wears his infamous hockey mask.

RIP, Mr. Brooker.

Below is the hockey mask scene:

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Trailer: 'Grown Ups 2' (2013)

The trailer for Adam Sandler's first sequel, Grown Ups 2, has been released. Watch the trailer below and if you like what you see, look for the flick in theaters on July 12th!