Friday, October 1, 2010

"Scared Stupid" by Dave White...I Add My Own Pick

Dave White, a contributor, wrote an article titled, "Scared stupid: dumbest horror movie plots ever". This article was in response to a new horror movies called "Chain Mail", which features a killer who stalks and kills teens who refuse to forward chain e-mails. Yeah, sounds pretty stupid and lame. You can read White's full article:

Anyways, he continues the article with a list of horror movies that feature, you guessed it, stupid plots. His list features some good choices, but I feel that he left out a movie that features one of the stupidest horror plots out there, but at the same time, it's so bad, it's good/hilarious: "The Gingerdead Man" (2005) and "The Gingerdead Man 2: The Passion of the Crust" (2008). That's right, the movie was so awesomely bad that it spawned a sequel!

This horror/comedy is about a killer, Millard Findlemeyer, who is sentenced to die in the electric chair after a young lady, Sarah Leigh (get it?!?), testifies against him while he was on trial for killing her family. He wants his revenge, so after he electrocuted, his body his cremated and his ashes are sent to his mother. Well, she just happens to be a witch, so she mixes his ashes in a batch of gingerbread spice mix and sends it to the Leigh family bakery. Sarah and another employee, Brick, take the mix and start to make the dough, but in the process, Brick cuts himself and some of his blood drips into the dough, which can't be a good thing. Brick leaves, so Sarah continues alone and makes a big gingerbread man with the cursed dough. After putting it in the oven, Sarah witnesses Lorna trying to sabotage the bakery and a confrontation ensues, which causes a switch to be hit and a big surge of electricity brings the Gingerdead Man to life. Killing and hilarity ensues!

Watch the trailer and see for yourself:

I should mention one more thing: Gary Busey plays Findlemeyer and voices the Gingerdead Man. That makes the movie that much more awesome!

Wait! I spoke too soon because there is another thing I need to mention. Apparently, there is going to be a third installment called "Gingerdead Man 3D: Saturday Night Cleaver". It's set for release sometime in 2011. I'll watch it and I'm a little ashamed to admit that.


  1. Great article Kim. I have never heard of this movie but I hope to watch it and all of it's sequels.

    P.S. Lorna's last name wasn't Doone was it?

  2. Thanks, iloveyoumore.

    Lorna's last name was Dean and her dad was Jimmy Dean. :)
