Saturday, June 8, 2013

Tony Phelan ('Grey's Anatomy' Writer/Producer/Director) Tweets About Season 10 (And Possibly About Calzona?!)

WARNING: Possible season 10 spoilers ahead, so read at your own risk!

Callie and Arizona smiling at one another...hopefully we see scenes of this in season 10

Tony Phelan serves as a writer/producer/director for the hit ABC show Grey's Anatomy and last night, he sent out two tweets concerning what we [the fans] should be prepared for in season 10.

This tweet is pretty straight forward by saying that lots of drama is to be expected in the first three episodes of season 10 and considering how things ended for Callie/Arizona (Calzona) and Cristina/Owen (Crowen), I don't think the fans would expect anything less than the drama that is to come.

The fourth episode is the 200th episode, so it's going to be interesting to see what happens. Will we see a moment of passion between one of or both of the couples above? Or will one of the couples make the decision to work through their problems because they love each other and don't want to give up? If the second question does come true and involves Calzona, I doubt a reconciliation will happen that early in the season, but it could be a step in the right direction with couples counseling.

Phelan's second tweet is more a way.
I say the above tweet is cryptic because he gives no indication about who's love will be drawn together and/or which will be torn apart. If a couple's love is torn apart, can they repair it? It's possible because he does include "The course of true love never did run smooth." Of course, being a Calzona shipper, I really hope he's referring to Calzona with that quote because I want to believe that they are endgame/MFEO and while they most likely will be apart for a good portion of the upcoming season, they will find their way back to each other because what they have is true love. It's safe to say that the tweet does give me hope for Calzona, but since it could be in relation to Crowen as well, I'm not going get my hopes up too much until I hear more about season 10 as the months go on.